Teenage Life Coaching — A Complete Guide

In this post, I will explain how teenage life coaching can help your son or daughter overcome challenges and set them up for success in life.

If you are:

  • Trying to support your teenager but they don’t seem to understand you
  • Struggling to give them the skills they need for the next stage of their life
  • And wondering how to make your teenager happy

This article is for you.

Let’s dive right in.

How Can I Make My Teenager Happy?

This is the question that many parents ask themselves. 

While there are many guides and how-tos for new parents, by the time their children reach adolescence, parents often find themselves lacking the skills needed to help their teenage son or daughter.

This can make the teenage years a frustrating time for both parents and teens.

You want to give them happiness and confidence, but you just don’t seem to understand each other.

Getting this phase right or wrong heavily influences your child’s future chances of happiness and success.

This is where coaching comes in. It can help your teenager in many ways, including:

  • Greater self-confidence
  • Better problem-solving abilities
  • More creativity
  • And greater resilience to life’s shocks
Teenage Life Coaching
Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

Life Coaching for Teens

An increasing number of young people are turning to life coaches to help them overcome teenage struggles and find purpose and direction in their lives.

Coaching can help teenagers learn the skills they need to thrive in life. Often, these skills are not taught in schools.

Working with a coach can also help your teenager to find their way if they are deciding what professional direction to take.

In some cases, coaching has helped troubled young people and teens from low-income families to avoid a life of crime and, instead, launch successful businesses and careers.

Unlike therapy or counseling, which tend to focus on the past and how it affects the present, coaching focuses on the present and future.

A coach helps her client to set goals and map out the steps to achieving them. This dynamic and interactive process is very effective as it gives teenagers agency over their life while increasing their confidence and self-belief.

It can even help improve young people’s relationships with their parents.

If you think your son or daughter could benefit from teen coaching, one of the best things you can do to help them is to learn some coaching techniques yourself.

How to Coach Your Teenager

Communication is usually the biggest obstacle for parents who want to help their teenagers. You may have the best of intentions, but without the right communication style, it’s likely you’ll feel like you’re talking to a brick wall.

The good news is that just by learning a few simple coaching principles, you can become a teen coaching wizard!

One of the biggest challenges for teenagers is coping with the rollercoaster of emotions they are experiencing. That is why emotional coaching is so effective in helping them.

As parents, you must learn to recognize your teenager’s behaviors as a reflection of the emotions they feel.

Instead of reacting, take time to work with them on their emotions. Get them to recognize and label them. This way, they will feel like you’re on their side, and it will be much easier for you to get through to them.

Once they understand what is happening, it’s important to help them understand why a particular emotion arises. Be patient with them. In time, this practice will give them a greater understanding of themselves that will empower them to master their emotions, instead of the other way round.

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How Do You Coach a Teenage Girl?

Raising a teenage girl comes with a unique set of challenges in this hyper-digital age.

Young women are bombarded with (often conflicting) messages about who and what they should be.

On top of the pressure to “have it all”, both social and traditional media teach them that their value as women depends on their looks and bodies.

Bullying and social exclusion are also a reality for many young women and can leave them at risk of low self-esteem, isolation, and even depression. Even worse, these problems can continue to affect her into adulthood.

If you have tried the emotional coaching techniques described above and still can’t get through to your daughter, you may want to consider hiring a teen life coach

Teenage Life Coaching
Image by Anastasia Gepp from Pixabay

Life Coach for Teens

Fortunately for parents of teenage girls, there are now many life coaches who specialize in helping young women.

If you’re considering hiring a life coach for your teenage son or daughter, read on to find out how to choose the right one.

Related: Teen Counseling Near Me – A Complete Guide

Teen Life Coach

Hiring a life coach is a very positive step to take for both teenagers and their parents. 

Not only can it help your child overcome problems they may be facing and set them on the right life path, but it can also improve the relationship between parents and their children.

What Does a Youth Coach Do?

A coach will work with your son or daughter to help them:

  • Overcome challenges at school 
  • Improve their personal life and relationships
  • Gain the tools and resources needed for success in a professional environment
  • Take charge of their life by focusing on their passions and playing to their strengths
  • Feel more confident and believe in themselves

Together, they will work on improving key abilities including:

  • Communication
  • Decision-making
  • Emotional management

How to Find a Teen Life Coach

With so many coaches out there to choose from, you may be wondering how to choose one.

The best is to look for a certified coach with a proven track record who specializes in working with teenagers.

One of the best places to find a certified teen coach is the online portal teencounseling.com.

For more detailed information on choosing a coach, see my complete guide to choosing an online life coach.

Make sure you involve your son or daughter in the selection process. This will make them feel like they have agency over their life.

It’s also important for your teenager to like their coach! The coaching relationship is crucial for the success of the program, so let your teenager get to know potential candidates before they decide on one.

How Do You Become a Youth Life Coach?

Perhaps, after reading this article, you are feeling called to work as a youth life coach.

If so, the good news is that there is no better time than now to start a new career as a teen life coach.

As more and more teens and their parents turn to life coaching, the results speak from themselves. It’s clear that there is both a market and a need for coaches specialized in working with teenagers.

Although coaching is an unregulated sector (meaning anyone can call themselves a “coach”), it’s advisable to receive formal training before launching your coaching business. 

There are many reputable schools that now offer specialized courses for teaching teenagers, such as the Youth Coaching Institute or IPEC.

Teenage Life Coaching
Image by digaita from Pixabay

How Much Does a Teen Life Coach Earn?

As with other forms of coaching, a youth coach may charge anything from fifty dollars to hundreds per hour, so the earning potential depends on you.

Most coaches tend to start out low and gradually increase their prices as they gain experience. 

But, if you are considering working with a specific target group, such as teens from low-income families, you might want to offer your services at accessible prices.

The options are endless, so how much you earn will depend on how you decide to set up your coaching business.

So, there you have it — the complete guide to teen life coaching.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my guide. Share this piece with a friend to help them too!

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About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
