Alice In Wonderland Shifting Method In 8 Effective Steps (2024)

You’re about to discover how to use the Alice In Wonderland Shifting Method to shift into your desired reality (DR).

Alice In Wonderland Shifting Method
Photo By Benoit Beaumatin On Unsplash

Below, I’ll explain eight effective steps to create your desired reality using the Alice In Wonderland Method. 

In my role as a life coach, I am often helping people to create the life they always wanted – and I’m a huge proponent of the power of reality-shifting methods, affirmations and visualisations. 

That’s why I’m excited to share this guide with you.

Let’s dive in.

What Is The Alice In Wonderland Method For Shifting?

This is one of the lengthier shifting methods, but it’s said to be among the most effective.

Here are the eight steps needed to shift realities with the Alice In Wonderland method.

1. Create A Relaxing Environment 

The first step to this process is to find a room with no distractions where you can relax. 

It’s recommended to complete this process as you lie in bed, so hopefully the room where you sleep is a suitable place. 

2. Meditation

Meditation primes your mind for shifting.

It puts your mind in a relaxed state, so you can remain calm and focus on your visualizations. If your brain is running wild with thoughts, this makes it almost impossible to shift realities. 

That’s why it’s recommended to meditate for around 10 minutes before beginning the shifting process.

3. Lay Down In Bed 

Simply lie on your back in bed with closed eyes and start taking deep breaths. Unlike other reality-shifting methods, there is no further guidance on the position of your body. You’ll want to be as comfortable as possible, so perhaps you’ll adopt the same position that you fall asleep in. 

4. Visualise Yourself Underneath A Tree

Once you’re relaxed, begin to envision yourself sitting underneath a tree in a beautiful garden. Take the time to envision all your surroundings. Immerse yourself fully. 

5. Shifting Affirmations

When you’re ready, begin to repeat shifting affirmations.

Here are some I like to use:

  • I am shifting.
  • Shifting comes easily to me.
  • I am going to my desired reality.
  • I love to be in my desired reality.
  • My desired reality is amazing. 

6. Visualize A Person From Your Desired Reality

This person from your DR appears in your garden. You stand up to talk to them, but they run away. When they do, leave the tree and start running after them.

7. Watch The Person Jump Into A Rabbit Hole

This person from your DR will jump into a rabbit hole before you’re able to catch them. It’s a deep one, just like in Alice In Wonderland. Jump after this person.

You should be able to feel yourself falling, if you’ve been visualizing correctly with enough focus.

As you’re falling, begin to sense your memories of your current reality fade away, leaving only thoughts of your desired reality remaining. 

The fall to the ground won’t hurt. After you’ve finished falling, the person you were chasing will be waiting for you.

8. Let Them Lead You Through The Door To Your Desired Reality

The person from your DR will show you a door leading to your desired reality. They have the key to this locked door. They’ll ask you if you want to go through the door and you’ll answer “Yes”.

Once you answer them, this person will use the key to open the door and lead you to your desired reality. 

At this point, you’ll have shifted. 

On the other side of the door, there will be a room filled with more people from your DR, ready to welcome you. Take your time walking around this room and greeting these people.

Eventually, you’ll be led to your DR bedroom. It’s down to you to visualize what your DR bedroom looks like. You’ll be left alone and encouraged to lay down to fall asleep in the same position which you began shifting.

If you’ve shifted correctly, you should wake up in your desired reality.  

Related: Best Shifting Affirmations For Lasting Change

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s round off this guide with some frequently asked questions on the matter of shifting realities. 

What Is Reality Shifting?

Reality shifting works based on the idea that your thoughts create your own reality.

In an academic paper on shifting, it was described as “the experience of being able to transcend one’s physical confines and visit alternate, mostly fictional, universes.”

Practices intended to help people reach their DR, such as hypnosis or Kabbalah visualization, stretch back centuries.

Does Reality Shifting Work? 

It’s not easy. It requires a lot of focus. Perhaps you won’t successfully shift to your DR on your first time attempting it.

However, many shifters have reported successfully reaching their DR after much practice.  

What’s The Best Method For Shifting Realities?

There are many methods for shifting realities out there. You’re encouraged to find the most effective technique for you.

What Is The Easiest Shifting Method?

There are several techniques that are simpler than the Alice In Wonderland method. The Raven method is a particularly simple technique, as is the Pillow Method. However, this doesn’t mean these will be the most effective to help you jump into your DR. Many shifters find complex techniques more effective.  

How Do You Do The Pillow Shift?

The Pillow Shifting Method is perhaps the simplest shifting technique of all.

It involves three steps: 

  1. Write down the details of your DR on a piece of paper. Write down shifting affirmations on the back;
  2. Put the paper underneath your pillow;
  3. Fall asleep. 

Any More Questions About The Alice In Wonderland Shifting Method?

Thanks for reading my guide on the Alice In Wonderland method. Now, it’s down to you to try it!  

If you have any questions about this method, feel free to fill out the comment form below.

I always love to see more comments on my blog – and I’ll be excited to answer your query.

About The Author

Bijan Kholghi is a certified life coach with the Milton Erickson Institute Heidelberg (Germany). He helps clients and couples reach breakthroughs in their lives by changing subconscious patterns. His solution-oriented approach is based on Systemic- and Hypnotherapy.
